Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My favorite thing ever

My favorite thing ever is really simple, and occurs regularly. My favorite thing ever is new starts. As in, Mondays because they are the start of the week, the first of any month (they restore hope after four failed mondays), the start of a new season (after a failed month...), a new plan and new idea.....A new year. This is not a blog about a new years resolutions. Those never pan out....and I've fully accepted this, which is why I like all kinds of new beginnings, and I make resolutions to do things different all the time. I fail at fulfilling these resolutions all the time too, but...there is always another new start, so I remain hopeful.
  Tomorrow is a new start, and will (perhaps) be more productive than the last few days. And, if not...there is always next week....


  1. very inspiring post. being your friend makes me better and you help me maintain healthy perspective.

  2. Thanks Kara! I'm glad you get that what often appears to be pessimism....isn't.
