Saturday, January 1, 2011

doing it right

This has been my most mellow of new years eve 'celebrations' in years. I stayed at home with the dog and three cats. We watched bad tv and surfed the internet. Ate chicken, ben and jerry's and pringles for dinner, and drank a TON....of hot tea. I don't necessarily feel all lame and losery as you may think I feel. I'm quite a homebody, and I didn't want to go out. I felt no need to drink, or socialize really. Thats all the justification I'm going to give to my decision to stay in, because I don't want to start to sound like a shriveled up old person complaining about all the young whippersnappers out there partying it up.

Last year I went out with friends from school. Drank a TON....of beer, and was home and in bed by midnight. The year before that I went out, and drank a TON of vodka, was home and passed out before 11. The way I see it, this year is an improvement.

Heres to hoping that I can make some improvements in life decisions in this new year. Not a I've really yet to put serious thought into things I ought or want to do differently/better. Suppose I can put some thought into it tomorrow...or the next day...or week. Or maybe, I'll just play it by ear. That sounds good. Sounds like a contender for the status of official "resolution".

This year I resolve to play it by ear. No, not really. My tinnitus throws my hearing off sometimes....its my least dependable sense these days ;-)

Heres hoping for a happy new year, for us all. (can mine at least be productive, if not happy?)

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